Copyright © , 1994, by Edward N. Zalta. All Rights Reserved. I would like to thank the Center for the Study of Language and Information, and John Perry in particular, for their continued support. I am also indebted to Chris Menzel, who provided some information about World Wide Web tools for machines running Windows.

My home page is a particular document that is linked to the home page for the Metaphysics Research Lab. It's particular URL is: https://mally.stanford.edu/zalta.html

Instead of using the `Open URL' or `Go To URL' function, use the `Open File' function and you will be prompted for a name of a local file.

It is probably a good idea to test your HTML documents on a variety of different Web browsers, on a variety of different machines, and from a remote site.

For example, if you are a Macintosh user, you can use Fetch while telnetting to an Internet-connected mainframe to download Mosaic from NCSA's machine ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu. Mosaic for the Macintosh is in the directory Mosaic/Mac, and the file you want is NCSAMosaic200A17.68k.hqx. For Microsoft Windows, you can get the WinWeb from EINet by ftp from the machine ftp.einet.net. Look in the directory /einet/pc/winweb and retrieve the file winweb.zip using binary mode.

In HTML, a link command looks something like this:

<A HREF="document.html"> ... </A>

The ellipsis is filled in by the text that will appear as a label for the link in the document (the label is the highlighted text that will appear in a Web browser and which can be `selected' should one want to follow that link). The name `document.html' can be prefaced by a URL, so that a link to a document on another machine somewhere on the Internet would look something like this:

<A HREF= "http://machine.university.edu/Directory/document.html"> ... </A>

If the text has been formatted and stored in a DVI or PS format, your Web browser will call up your DVI or PS viewing program and display the document as typeset text.

Some Web browsers even support dynamic uncompressing of compressed files. Material that is stored in compressed form on other machines will be retrieved, automatically uncompressed, and then displayed.

If the machine on the Internet only has an FTP server and not a HTTP server, the line of HTML code for the link would look like this:

<A HREF= "ftp://machine.university.edu/Directory/document.txt"> ... </A>

The link can be created with the following HTML code:

<A HREF= "http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Philosophy/Cyber/philcyb.html">Philosophy in CyberSpace</A>

You can also include sound files if you have a digital signal processor and the right software on your machine.

However, you should be aware that, at the present time, there is some controversy about the free distribution of GIF files. CompuServe (which created the GIF format), under pressure from UNISYS (which created the compression algorithm used in the GIF format), may ask for royalties from manufacturers of GIF creation programs. If this gets nasty and a worst case scenario develops, there is a small chance that Web browsers will just shift to a different standard image format.

In HTML, the command for inserting an image file such as `image.gif', which you have placed in the same directory as the `current' HTML document, looks something like this:

<img src="image.gif">

Inserting in-line graphics is not an efficient way to display large blocks of text. If you want to display documents that HTML can't handle, it is best to present them them in another format, such as DVI or PS. However, be sure to include a parenthetical remark about the kind of file format that will be downloaded, the kind of viewer needed to examine it, as well as its size.

For example, the Escape-K command could insert the following characters:

<A HREF=""> </A>

and leave the cursor under the second quotation mark, ready for you to insert the name of the file to which you are creating a link.

Point them towards the following URL:


The template sets up a toolbar with buttons which call fancy Word Basic macros that do all the conversion magic, and also provide buttons for on-the-fly HTML formatting (e.g., specifying headers, calling graphics, etc.). One `attaches' a template to a document. One such template is called gt_html.dot (`.dot' is the Word extension convention for template files), and another is called cu_html.dot and may even be better. All the information you desire is in the `WINDOWS TOOLS' link of the following URL:


Apparently, this was not pure luck. A staff member in CSLI Publications recently came in to ask me if I knew how to save graphics files created in Adobe Illustrator (on a Mac) as GIF files for their Web site. We searched comp.graphics, and again, we found someone had asked this very question, and someone else had posted the answer. Of course, one can always post a question to this newsgroup.

Ed Zalta
Fri Oct 13 16:17:09 PDT 1995