Spring 1990
Edward N. Zalta, Philosophy Department
Offices: Cordura 226 (CSLI) and 92EE (Philosophy)
Phone: 723-0345 (Cordura), 723-2192 (92EE)
Electronic Mail: zalta@csli
Mailboxes: Building 90 Lounge and Ventura Hall
Office Hours: At Cordura: Wednesday, 3 - 4:30, and by appointment
Class Meetings:
Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, 1:15 - 2:30 P.M., Esmb (Mitchell) 138 Weekly `working' section, depending on class size and TA availability
Course Description:
In this class we examine the structural similarities among (the models of) various modal logics. It is customary in philosophy to call the following propositional operators `modalities': it is metaphysically necessary (possible) that, it is physically necessary that, it is known (believed) by person S that, it will be (was) the case that, it ought to be the case that, and after every (some) terminating execution of the program, it is the case that. These operators are called `modalities' because when they are appled to a proposition p, the proposition that results, for example, it is necessary that p, expresses some way or mode in which p is true. So modal logic is the study of the valid patterns of reasoning with respect to each modality and why it is that the rules of inference that legitimize such patterns never allow us to infer (modal) falsehoods from (modal) truths. We shall see how these `logics' of modality have been unified in a rather interesting way.
Required Texts:
Resource Texts:
Course Prerequisite:
Philosophy 159 - You will have better perspective on things in general if you have had 160A, but with 4 units worth of effort, students with a 159 background should be able to come to a reasonably deep understanding of the material.
Class Requirements
NOTE: The pace at which the material will be presented will depend on the background of the students. Consequently, the following schedule is tentative and subject to change. Reading assignments, and exercise assignments, will be announced in class.
1. Midterm: May 1
2. Final: Tuesday evening, June 12, 7:00 - 10:00 PM
1. Exercises are due at the beginning of class on the day they are assigned as due. Exercise sets turned in after that time are counted as late, and will be assessed, roughly, a 25%per diem penalty (if you suppose that 100 points can be earned in the course, and that each exercise set is therefore worth 9 points, then the penalty for a late exercise is two points per day).
2. No make-up exams or incompletes will be given, unless there is a genuine emergency or the circumstances are exceptional in some other way.
3. Reevaluations: Students may request a reevaluation of an exercise or exam problem if they feel that it has been incorrectly graded. The work must be resubmitted to the professor within one week of the date the problem was graded and returned.