But even if you use a Mac, you will probably want to use a UNIX computer at least to handle your mail. Our mail servers do support Macintosh mailers such as Eudora, but unless you always carry around your own PowerBook, convenience and security argue for processing your mail on csli. Once you come to read your mail, you may stay for some of the other things UNIX or csli has to offer. There are some very nice programs for reading news groups (bulletin boards), not only those limited to CSLI but also those international in readership. The computer also contains LaTeX, which is arguably the best system for producing high-quality paper documents. If you wish to study text corpora, you might find UNIX useful because of its flexibility, and because we have a large collection of corpora on kinks, a UNIX machine. Finally, if you wish to do any serious computational linguistics, you may well find that it is easiest to program a UNIX machine, even if you later port your product to some other system. So here follows a quick introduction to using UNIX on csli. You can also attend classes on UNIX, taught by the Sweet Hall consultants. The courses for this October will be held on the 9th, 11th, or 17th at 6:00 PM in Meyer 260.