If you have a bike, bring it. Unless you're into rollerblading or skateboarding, bicycling is the way to get around campus. You can get cheap used bikes by looking on the bulletin board at Tresidder. Buy a U-lock as lots of bikes are stolen. Park your bikes at the bike racks, to help lessen the clutter along the corridors (plus bikes along the corridors are potential hazards for the sight- and mobility-impaired). Buy a light, as you'll want to ride at night. As well as the safety issue, the police regularly stop people without bike lights. Register your bike at the Tresidder Union Recreation Center (it's legally required and helps if your bike is stolen). Buy a helmet for your own safety! Some people prefer to walk during the busiest times on campus (lunch hour, in-between classes) because the bikers are zig-zagging at the intersections.