Of course, this guide cannot answer such a question because it depends so much on your background and interests, and so you should make a point of talking to faculty or students with similar interests before the quarter begins. You can also sit in on lots of classes in the first week, and try and decide from that which will be the most interesting and/or beneficial---don't be shy, shopping around for classes is a quarterly ritual at Stanford. This said, appropriate basic classes this year would seem to be Ling. 250 (Sociolinguistics), 240 (Acquisition), and 234 (Discourse).
The book that contains one-paragraph descriptions of all courses---Courses, Degrees, and Information---is distributed free, one per student, at the Old Union, on Sep. 22 (bring your student I.D.). A more timely version of the Linguistic Department's classes can be found at http://bhasha/~kyle/courses.html. The list that tells when and where all courses and sections will actually be held is published in the pleonastic Time schedule, available shortly before each quarter. Again, a more timely and up-to-date version for Autumn Linguistics courses can be found at gopher://Kanpai:70/00/Linguistics/schedule/autumn.schedule.