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Riehemann, Susanne and Daniel Elenius. 2011. "SWRL-IQ User Manual". http://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/SWRL-IQ
Riehemann, Susanne and Daniel Elenius. 2011. "Ontological Analysis of Terrain Data". COM.Geo '11: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications. ACM, New York.
Riehemann, Susanne. 2011. "Information in Virtual Spaces", in Language from a Cognitive Perspective: Grammar, Usage, and Processing. Studies in honor of Tom Wasow. Emily M. Bender & Jennifer Arnold (eds.), CSLI Publications.
Riehemann, Susanne Z. 2009. "Coordinate Systems and Terrain Reusability", 09F-SIW-089, Proceedings of the 2009 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization.
Frandsen, M., Riehemann, S., and Precoda, K. 2008. "IraqComm and FlexTrans: A Speech Translation System and Flexible Framework". CISSE SCSS 2008. In Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Elleithy (ed), Springer, 2010.
Kathol, A., Precoda, K., Vergyri, D., Wang, W., Riehemann, S. 2005. "Speech Translation for Low-Resource Languages: The Case of Pashto". In Eurospeech 2005.
Belvin, R., Riehemann, S., Precoda, K. 2004. "A Fine-Grained Evaluation Method for Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Using Concept Annotations", in LREC 2004.
Precoda, K., Culy, C., Franco, H., Dost, A., Frandsen, M., Fry, J., Kathol, A., Richey C., Riehemann, S., Vergyri, D., Zheng, J. 2004. "Limited-Domain Speech-to-Speech Translation between English and Pashto". HLT/NAACL Demo Sessions, May 2004.
Waldinger, R., Appelt, D., Fry, J., Israel, D., Jarvis, P., Martin, D., Riehemann, S., Stickel, M., Tyson, M., Hobbs, J., Dungan, J. 2004. "Deductive Question Answering from Multiple Resources". In New Directions in Question Answering, AAAI, 2004.
Culy, Christopher and Susanne Z. Riehemann. 2003. "The Limits of N-Gram Translation Evaluation Metrics". In Proceedings of MT Summit IX.
Riehemann, Susanne Z. 2001. A Constructional Approach to Idioms and Word Formation. Stanford University Dissertation. (.pdf, .ps.gz)
Riehemann, Susanne Z. and Emily Bender. 1999. "Absolute Constructions: On the Distribution of Predicative Idioms". WCCFL 18 Proceedings, S. Bird, A. Carnie, J. Haugen, P. Norquest (eds.), Cascadilla Press, Somerville: 476-489.
Riehemann, Susanne Z. 1998. "Type-Based Derivational Morphology". Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 2: 49-77.
Copestake, Ann, Dan Flickinger, Robert Malouf, Susanne Riehemann, and Ivan A. Sag. 1995. "Translation Using Minimal Recursion Semantics". Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Leuven.
Riehemann, Susanne. 1993. Word Formation in Lexical Type Hierarchies - A Case Study of bar-Adjectives in German. SfS-Report-02-93. Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. (Master's Thesis).
Riehemann, Susanne Z. and Emily M. Bender. 2000. "Experience-Based HPSG". Berkeley Formal Grammar Conference - HPSG-2000.
Riehemann, Susanne. 1997. "Idiomatic Constructions in HPSG". Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, 1997, Ithaca. (.ps, .pdf)
Last modified: January 1, 2012 (sr@csli.stanford.edu) |
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